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Release of a new feature of the Real-time spread comparison tool and the Price Feed feature

Release of a new feature of the Real-time spread comparison tool and the Price Feed feature




 : 2023.11.20

Last updated

Last updated

 : 2023.11.21


Dear Clients

We are pleased to announce that we have launched a new feature of the Real-time spread comparison tool and a new "Price Feed" feature.

The Real-time spread comparison tool now offers an average comparison feature, which shows average, minimum, and maximum spreads for each broker as a line by specifying the symbol and period. The length of the line indicates the stability of the spread, i.e., the shorter the line, the more stable the spreads. Use this feature to find the best broker for you.

The Price Feed feature displays a list of real-time prices by account type from brokers. By clicking on a symbol, you can open its chart and get details. We recommend using this feature to identify trading opportunities for example.

Under our corporate service policy of "providing accurate and impartial information to traders," we strive to continuously improve the quality of information, develop further services, conduct market research, and expand our market so that the services we provide will be useful for your trading. We hope that you will continue to support us in the future.

November 2023
Myforex management team

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